Businesses Respond to Climate Change with Senator Whitehouse

Left to right: Alden Anderson, Pam Rubinoff, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Grover Fugate

Left to right: Alden Anderson, Pam Rubinoff, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Grover Fugate

This fall The Providence Foundation hosted Businesses Respond to Climate Change, a panel discussion focused on building Rhode Island communities resilient to rising seas. Executive Director Cliff Wood was joined by special guest speaker Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. A US Senator since 2007, Senator Whitehouse is also a member of the Budget Committee, the Environment and Public Works Committee, the Judiciary Committee and the Finance Committee. He is also a passionate advocate for action against the growing threat of climate change.

Senator Whitehouse was joined by Grover Fugate, Executive Director of the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council; Pam Rubinoff, Coastal Resources Center Coastal Manager at the University of Rhode Island and Alden Anderson, Senior Vice President of CBRE and chair of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce.

  • Senator Whitehouse presented: The Economic Risks of Climate Change.

  • Grover Fugate shared: RI Shoreline Change, Special Area Management Plan.

  • Pam Rubinoff presented: Know your Risk, Make a Plan, Take Action.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse presenting.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse presenting.

Addressing climate change involves solutions for many problems that are seemingly insurmountable. However, businesses can take many small steps to help their business be prepared. Looking for a place to start, begin by asking simple questions:

  • What would happen to your business if your office flooded or your neighborhood was evacuated?

  • How long can your business survive if your employees are unable to get to the office?

  • Are your employees able to work from home if they can’t get to the office?

Pam Rubinoff shared the following useful resources for businesses to begin preparing for climate change:

Risk Reduction for Small Business
RI Alliance for Business Resilience
Coastal Hazards Applications
Washed Away - Rising Water in RI Begins to Erode Worth of Coastal Homes

Pam Rubinoff answering member questions.

Pam Rubinoff answering member questions.

View photos from the event here.

This special event was made possible through generous support by Cornish Associates, KPMG, Paolino Properties and Site Specific.